Ekaterina Leksina

W(o/a)ndering a(b/r)ou(t/nd) the world with curiosity

Mathematics book

I had the lovely opportunity to co-author a mathematics book for 1st graders with Tatiana Babicheva. It introduced the basic concepts used in combinatorics problems - parity, knights and knaves, etc. Additionally, it included well-known strategy games - battleship, minesweeper, etc.

It was a really interesting experience, which gave me the opportunity to think about maths using a different lense. Rephrasing and breaking down concepts in a way understandable to an 8 y.o. once again made me appreciate the elegancy and simplicity of ideas, which are actually used on an almost every-day bases by mathematicians of all levels.

And of course, as problem-solving and mathematics are very dear to me and are at the core of most things I do, it was very heartwarming to think that through this book we might be helping someone in the beginning of their own journey.