W(o/a)ndering a(b/r)ou(t/nd) the world with curiosity
This was a team project as part of a Linguistics training camp. The aim was to create a game that would
both be educational for the player, as well as useful for the academia. It targeted the question of word
prevalance. Without going into too much detail - the player either recognises words or not, that's the gist
of it. Obviously there were gameficiation elements to make it entertaining.
Why would this be a thing? Word prevalance is quite important to understand which text are
suitable for which age (that was the differentiating factor we were interested in) groups (e.g. in a classroom
This is also interesting for researchers to monitor the general changes in the language and notice trends.
I was working with the UX team, as well doing managing here and there and helping with communication between
other subgroups. Also, I did a little bit of coding using pandas (extracting text from different websites).
The pinnacle of the experience, however, was presenting the project at the end of the program with my team.
It was my first public speaking experience and I enjoyed it much more than I expected... Probably because it's cool
to tell people about stuff you are actually well-informed about :)